Nikwax Tech Wash
Cleaner for wet weather clothing and outdoor gear.
- Proven to revitalise water-repellency and breathability.
- Excellent cleaning even at 30 degrees C.
Specification| The safeway to thoroughly clean your waterproof gear. ||Using Nikwax Tech Wash|
Use neat Tech Wash® and a sponge, or soft nylon brush, to treat stubborn stains before washing. Remove all non-washable parts. Shake well before use. Follow care label instructions. Do not use detergents.
- Remove all detergent build up from the detergent dispenser.
- Place item(s) in washing machine (maximum 2 items).
- Use 150ml in medium/hard water* areas and 100ml in soft water areas for 1-2 items.
- Wash according to care label.
We hope that any product which is purchased through the group will meet your expectations. However, if you would like to return any items we will be happy to refund or exchange the product. We operate a 60-day return & exchange policy, more information here.
We offer a Royal Mail postage paid returns label for £3.00 - this option is available at the checkout, for all UK orders and can simply be added to your order.
All returns must be in their original condition with the labels attached and in the original packaging. Goods which are not returned in a saleable condition may be refused a refund or exchange or may incur a handling/cleaning fee.
We expect you to have kept the original packaging (including the postal box/bag) together with all labels. All products must be packaged in a protective outer - footwear must be wrapped or boxed as despatched. Any shoe or boot boxes defaced by parcel tape, stamps or returns addresses will not be accepted and will be returned to you.